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Building Microservices 2nd Edition: Designing Fine-Grained, Newman
Building Microservices 2nd Edition: Designing Fine-Grained, Newman
Building Microservices 2nd Edition: Designing Fine-Grained, Newman
Building Microservices 2nd Edition: Designing Fine-Grained, Newman
Building Microservices 2nd Edition: Designing Fine-Grained, Newman
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  • OLX Доставка


Building Microservices: Designing Fine-Grained Systems 2nd Edition Sam Newman
Більше книг на цю тему - kupichitay.com.ua/.
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The second edition is a complete rewrite of the previous edition. It is aimed at giving a broad overview of all aspects related to microservices. Giving a firm foundation in the basics, it goes further, covering off all aspects of the software delivery process, and how they are impacted by adopting a microservice architecture.

This updated edition involves every page of the 1st edition being reviewed and where appropriate reworked, with new topics covered for the first time. This edition will be reflecting the shifts in the use of microservices over the last five years, including an exploration of some of the new technology which has emerged.

Who should read this book
The scope of this book is broad, as the implications of microservice architectures are also broad. As such, it should appeal to people interested in aspects of design, development, deployment, testing, and maintenance of systems.

Those of you who have already embarked on the journey toward finer-grained architectures, whether for a greenfield application or as part of decomposing an existing, more monolithic system, will find plenty of practical advice to help you. It will also help those of you who want to know what all the fuss is about, so that you can determine whether microservices are right for you.
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Building Microservices 2nd Edition: Designing Fine-Grained, Newman

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